Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Signs of an Abusive Relationships!

The ABC reporter shared with CarolynHennecy : a health blogger , a list of 16 Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship as she handed me a small pocket-sized sheet furnished by The Spring. Because I care about you, the reader, here they are:
1. Pushes for a quick relationship 
2. Jealous and possessive, constantly calls you by phone
3. Tries to control your life
4. Unrealistic expectations 
5. Isolates you from friends and family
6. Blames others for his/her problems, feelings and/or mistakes
7. Checks your phone for text messages and call history. May track you with GPS
8. Says his/her feelings are easily hurt
9. Cruel toward animals or children
10. “Playful” use of force during sex 
11. Yells and calls you names 
12. Rigid sex roles 
13. Sudden mood swings  
14. History of battering  
15. Threats of violence 
16. Threatens to reveal personal or damaging information about you to your family, friends or employer  
You may not relate to all of these. Maybe you only relate to most of these. If so, I plead with you to consider your situation, and your options.

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